Hoy Día is an American Spanish-language morning show on Telemundo. A previously news-centric program, the show was to relaunch as an entertainment variety show. The brief was to refresh the show's primary graphics package to visually reflect this shift in content. My role here included graphic design, motion design and video editing.
The logo and brand assets were redesigned to be more inviting, building upon the previous one to avoid audience confusion during the transition to this new version of the show. The introduction of new elements within the new mark itself would open up new potential with animation.
The palette was overhauled to be more relevant to its new entertainment focus, and allow for greater flexibility within this new branding adapt to a wider variety of topics and coverage than before. The brand's typeface was also updated with one that better complimented this new direction and tone.
Demonstrating how this new design language would come together within the show's existing studio, and in service of its on-air coverage needs, was key for guiding set designers and technical directors on how to adjust for the new branding, as well as selling stakeholders on the creative direction.
The show's real-time graphics package was fully overhauled for consistency with the new design language using a combination of native and pre-rendered assets within Chyron LYRIC.
Forms found within the new logo itself served as the basis for show's core motion graphics elements including the open, bumps, transitions and set monitor backgrounds which would all compliment the show's new energy and spirit.
Hoy Día re-launched to positive reception and achieved its goal of boosted ratings as a combined result of its overhauled content, marketing and brand refresh.